Friday, June 20, 2014


Hello. I am Michael D. Ballard. My enjoyment of writing led me to dabble in poetry at a young age. By the time I had graduated high school I had written poems beyond count and tuned my writing skills a bit more towards essays and story books. Shortly after highschool some of my works were published in the book "Look I Think I See A Martian" and I began to look into publishing a novel. My friend and I wrote for a good long time on a fantasy novel which is in it's last stages of publishing as this blog is being posted.

My friend is Liam B. Hershtale. I know the website above says "William B Hershtale," but I assure you that that was a mistake. Liam was in the army stationed in Afghanistan somewhere when he took up writing more seriously. Since he got back we have been working together to write some of our best works yet. Right now he is away at a family reuinion, but when he returns I will have him give a proper introduction as well.

Hello all and welcome to our blog! Feel free to comment or ask questions about anything. Have a good one!

-Michael D. Ballard


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